Contact Information

Contact Information

Want to know who to contact about your questions?

We serve our clients giving them the lowest cost we can give to meet our clients needs. We take care of all export documents, fill out all appropriate forms and arrange all inspenctions for our clients. We trust your signed Proforma Invoice or Purchase Contract and open Letter of Credit. Therefore, we required No money from you until our original Bill of Landing is fax or email to you.
We want to know what you think about our web site and our company. We have provided the e-mail address for people to contact with your specific questions.
Director : Mr. Husin Wongso
Managing Director : Mr. Suwendy Wongso
General Manager : Ms. Susan Dewi
Finance Manager : Ms. Sari Omala
Marketing Manager : Ms. Henny Sim

For general information or price :

Comments, request or price

Thank you for visiting our web site!

PT. CITRAPRIMA INDOKENCANA * INDONESIA * TEL : +6221-6617142 * FAX : +6221-6617129